
We’re midway between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Winter’s still all around us and so are those precious first signs of spring. Swelling buds and snowdrops remind us that there’s a powerful life force hiding away, ready to emerge again in the coming weeks. Whilst nature is still resting, emanating its peaceful quiet energy, we can take advantage of this and discover peacefulness within ourselves. This is not a time for being overly active, but steady and thoughtful. If you’ve got some ideas that need manifesting, get them down on paper. If you’re a visual person or enjoy delving into your creative side, now is the time to get out the coloured pens and glue, to sit quietly by the fire and make a vision board.

Bringing your ideas into the material world.

 I’m not going to give you masses of instructions on this, because I don’t believe it’s something that anyone can get wrong. The general idea is to connect with the deeper part of yourself, whether it’s a quiet walk in nature, meditation or spending sometime on your yoga mat; whatever suits your being.

The goddess of this season is Brigid, light a fire in her name and call upon her for inspiration (a candle works well). To clear the way, ask Brigid’s fire to help you release the mist (aka emotional baggage) that covers your true self.  Then bring forward your intentions and ideas, writing freely, drawing or creating a simple collage. Let the words and images represent your future plans. Don’t get stuck in the “perfection energy”, but let yourself be quite free. Be guided by your heart or the part of you that feels emotionally secure. When you’ve finished your process, walk away from it for a while. Notice how it feels to let it go; to send it on its way. You’re clearing the energetic path, making the action in the future easier and smoother. You can close the ritual, by thanking Brigid, yourself and any other energies that came to you. Breathe in the stillness for a moment or two, then blow out the candle.

Spring will be here soon enough and then you can put your ideas into action. In the longer, warmer day’s you’ll have more energy to do all that you plan. Your body will be ready, because like Mother Nature herself you took the time in winter to rest.

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