Embodied Mindfulness Online

Learn the Alexander Technique from the comfort of your own home.

I can help you become your own teacher, learning how to observe yourself and see a way out of negative patterns both mental and physical.

Weekly Wednesday Classes

These classes are for anyone interested in learning the principles of the Alexander Technique. Using a framework of simple movement, we explore balance, poise, release and tone.

Classes are in month long blocks, each with a different theme. They are recorded so that if you miss one you can catch up or have another go in your own time. The number of participants is kept to eight or less,  to keep the class feeling as personal as possible.

Wednesdays 10.15am or 7.15pm £9 per class (1hr)

Book your place!

Alexander Technique for Yoga teachers

We look in depth at some of the yoga poses that can be a real pain (quite literally) and find a way to get there through a gentle and directed process. How best we can approach a pose when teaching it to a beginner and how we can deepen the practice for ourselves. These classes are more mindful than exercise!

Thursdays 10.15am £12 per class (1hr15mins)

Book your place!

One to One

If you’d rather your experience be more personal to your needs, I offer one-to-one sessions. These can be solely the Alexander Technique or a combination of healing and transformational skills depending on what you need at the time.

I offer daytime and evening appointments (and in special circumstances weekends)

Get in touch for more details on this or to discuss what is right for you.

45mins £45        1hr £60

Constructive Rest Club

This is an online club designed to support you in your learning journey. We meet online once a month to lie on the floor in semi supine and practice the skill of directed thinking. I verbally guide you through a 20 minute session and offer a Q&A at the end. In an ideal world, you’d be doing this every day – but the world isn’t ideal and sometimes we need a bit of support to keep our healthy practices going. It’s totally free to join and participate.

You can follow this link to join my Facebooks group CRC

Sign up here for the FREE ONLINE monthly Constructive Rest sessions